{2} Active MS4W Tickets by Version (126 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (101 - 126 of 126)

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4.0.5 (26 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Status Created
#342 add missing STYLE object to local.map MS4W - Base 4.0.5 defect new 2021-06-23
#343 add license.md file to the OpenLayers package MS4W - Packages 4.0.5 defect new 2021-07-15
#386 add how to define custom projections (with recent PROJ) into README MS4W - Documentation 4.0.5 task new 2023-01-17
#316 add favicon MS4W - Base 4.0.5 task new 2021-03-21
#360 add demo links to GeoMoose app on localhost MS4W - Packages 4.0.5 task new 2021-11-12
#359 add WebP raster image support MS4W - GDAL 4.0.5 task new 2021-11-10
#393 add TileDB support MS4W - GDAL 4.0.5 task new 2023-05-27
#394 add SOSI support MS4W - GDAL 4.0.5 task new 2023-05-27
#391 add QHULL support MS4W - GDAL 4.0.5 task new 2023-05-22
#325 add PostGIS steps to README for pycsw MS4W - Documentation 4.0.5 task new 2021-04-22
#312 add OpenGL Rendering Support MS4W - MapServer 4.0.5 task new 2021-02-26
#363 add OpenEXR raster format MS4W - GDAL 4.0.5 task new 2021-12-24
#362 add OGDI support for GDAL MS4W - GDAL 4.0.5 task new 2021-12-02
#307 add LuaJIT to osm2pgsql build MS4W - Tools 4.0.5 enhancement new 2021-01-11
#387 add LZ4 compression library MS4W - GDAL 4.0.5 task new 2023-02-19
#402 add Jansson compression for JSON data, with Apache MS4W - Apache 4.0.5 task new 2023-07-28
#366 add FTS5 extension (full text search through virtual tables) for SQLite MS4W - GDAL 4.0.5 task new 2022-02-10
#330 add Esri LERC compression plugin for GeoTIFF MS4W - GDAL 4.0.5 task new 2021-05-01
#390 add Crypto++ support MS4W - GDAL 4.0.5 task new 2023-05-22
#375 add CONNECTION pooling for local.map MS4W - Base 4.0.5 enhancement new 2022-04-25
#401 add Brotli compression support for Apache MS4W - Apache 4.0.5 task new 2023-07-28
#354 ZOO-Project 1.8dev app currently broken MS4W - Packages 4.0.5 defect new 2021-10-15
#318 Point to updated homepage in shp2tile README MS4W - Base 4.0.5 defect new 2021-03-29
#320 Additional XSS protection for the usage of SVG files? MS4W - Apache 4.0.5 enhancement new 2021-04-08
#371 Add php imagick module MS4W - PHP 4.0.5 enhancement new 2022-02-24
#317 Add "Securing your MS4W Installation" section to the README MS4W - Base 4.0.5 defect new 2021-03-26
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